1 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MCA132N | PROBLEM SOLVING USING C | Core Courses | 3 | 2 | 50 |
MCA133N | RESEARCH METHODOLOGY | Skill Enhancement Courses | 3 | 2 | 50 |
MCA134N | COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND DESIGN | Core Courses | 4 | 3 | 100 |
MCA135N | ADVANCED DATABASE TECHNOLOGIES | Core Courses | 3 | 4 | 100 |
MCA171N | PYTHON PROGRAMMING | Core Courses | 5 | 5 | 150 |
MCA172N | WEB STACK DEVELOPMENT | Core Courses | 7 | 4 | 150 |
2 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MCA231N | SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | Core Courses | 3 | 2 | 50 |
MCA232N | APPLIED STATISTICS USING R | Core Courses | 4 | 3 | 100 |
MCA233N | OPERATING SYSTEMS | Core Courses | 4 | 3 | 100 |
MCA271N | DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS | Core Courses | 8 | 4 | 150 |
MCA272N | PROGRAMMING USING JAVA | Core Courses | 8 | 4 | 150 |
3 Semester - 2023 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MCA331N | DATA COMMUNICATION AND CRYPTOGRAPHY | Core Courses | 4 | 3 | 100 |
MCA332N | DATA MINING | Core Courses | 4 | 3 | 100 |
MCA333AN | ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE MANAGEMENT | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 6 | 2 | 100 |
MCA371N | MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT | Core Courses | 8 | 5 | 150 |
MCA372AN | ADVANCED PYTHON PROGRAMMING | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 7 | 5 | 150 |
4 Semester - 2022 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MCA441BN | DATA ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 4 | 3 | 100 |
MCA471N | MOBILE APPLICATIONS | Core Courses | 7 | 4 | 150 |
MCA472N | MACHINE LEARNING | Core Courses | 7 | 4 | 150 |
MCA473BN | NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING | Discipline Specific Elective Courses | 8 | 4 | 150 |
MCA481N | SEMINAR | Skill Enhancement Courses | 3 | 2 | 50 |
5 Semester - 2022 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MCA571N | CLOUD COMPUTING | Major Core Courses | 8 | 4 | 150 |
MCA581N | SPECIALIZATION PROJECT | Major Core Courses | 5 | 4 | 100 |
6 Semester - 2022 - Batch | Course Code |
Course |
Type |
Hours Per Week |
Credits |
Marks |
MCA681N | INDUSTRY PROJECT | Core Courses | 16 | 12 | 300 |
| |
Department Overview: | |
Department of Computer Science of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) strives to shape outstanding computer professionals with ethical and human values to reshape nation’s destiny. The training imparted aims to prepare young minds for the challenging opportunities in the IT industry with a global awareness rooted in the Indian soil, nourished and supported by experts in the field. | |
Mission Statement: | |
VISION The Department of Computational Sciences endeavours to imbibe the vision of the University “Excellence and Service”. The department is committed to this philosophy which pervades every aspect and functioning of the department. MISSION “To develop a computational scientist with ethical and human values”. To accomplish our mission, the department encourages students to apply their acquired knowledge and skills towards professional achievements in their career. The department also moulds the students to be socially responsible and ethically sound. | |
Introduction to Program: | |
Master of Computer Applications is a Two year post graduate programme spread over six Trimesters. This programme strives to shape the students into outstanding computer professionals for the challenging opportunities in IT industry. It enables students to evolve from the stereo type thinking to better achievers and prepares them to scale the global standards. Curriculum incorporates the state of the art areas of IT industry to provide opportunity for extended study in an area of specialization. Programme Objective | |
Program Objective: | |
Programme Outcome/Programme Learning Goals/Programme Learning Outcome: PO1: Computational Knowledge : Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialisation, mathematics, and domain knowledge appropriate for the computing specialisation to the abstraction and conceptualisation of computing models from defined problems and requirements.PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and solve complex computing problems reaching substantiated conclusions using fundamental principles of mathematics, computing sciences, and relevant domain disciplines. PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions for complex computing problems, and design and evaluate systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. PO4: Conduct Investigations of complex computing problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. PO5: Modern Tool usage: Create, select, adapt and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern computing tools to complex computing activities, with an understanding of the limitations. PO6: Professional Ethics: Understand and commit to professional ethics and cyber regulations, responsibilities, and norms of professional computing practices. PO7: Life-long learning: Recognise the need, and have the ability, to engage in independent learning for continual development as a computing professional. PO8: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the computing and management principles and apply these to one?s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. PO9: Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively with the computing community, and with society at large, about complex computing activities by being able to comprehend and write effective reports, design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and understand clear instructions. PO10: Societal and Environmental Concern: Understand and assess societal, environmental, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues within local and global contexts, and the consequential responsibilities relevant to professional computing practices. PO11: Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary environments. PO12: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Identify a timely opportunity and using innovation to pursue that opportunity to create value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society at large. | |
Assesment Pattern | |
CIA : 50% ESE : 50% | |
Examination And Assesments | |
The Department of Computational Sciences at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi- NCR has created a niche in the realm of higher education in India through its programmes. Currently, the Department offers a wide array of undergraduate courses with multiple specializations in the disciplines of Computer Science, Statistics & Mathematics. A dedicated research block with all the latest research facilities boosts the morale of the faculty and research scholars alike. This is an ideal place for students with a research blend of mind to explore his/her passion. Apart from academics, students are moulded holistically through various co-curricular and extracurricular activities. To promote the holistic development of the students and to sustain the academic creativity and inventiveness of the faculty the department engages in numerous workshops, seminars, industrial interfaces, faculty development programmes and many such endeavours. It is equipped with a highly committed team of instructors having versatile experience in teaching and research. The department also provides opportunities to work on collaborative projects with industry and international universities. |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Course Objectives This course aims to provide fundamental knowledge of mathematical foundations for Computer Science. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the concepts of Discrete theory, relations and functions used in Computer Science CO2: Understand the Propositional Logic, and Algebraic structure concepts used in
Computer science
CO3: Understand and Apply Finite State Automata and Turing Machines with
Computer related problems.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction -Elementary theory of sets-Set rules and Set Combinations-Relations-Functions-Discrete Numeric Functions-Addition of Numeric Functions-Multiplication of numeric functions-Multiplication with Scalar Factor to Numeric Function. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction to Logic-Symbolization of Statements-Equivalence of Formula-Propositional Logic-Theory of Inference-Predicate Logic-Inference Theory of Predicate Logic | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction-Groups-Semi Groups-Complexes-Product Semi Groups-Permutation Groups-Order of a Group-Subgroups-Cyclic Groups | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Basic Concepts of Automata Theory-Deterministic Finite State Automata (DFA) - Non-deterministic Finite State Automata (NDFA) - Conversion of NDFA to DFA | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction-Basic Features of a Turing Machine-Language of a Turing Machine-General Problems of a Turing Machine. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA-50% ESES-50% | |
MCA132N - PROBLEM SOLVING USING C (2023 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To provide extensive knowledge of C programming language to the students. It helps in developing the ability to solve computational problems through programs. Lab component is included to give hands-on experience to the students. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand different features of C language CO2: Analyse real life problem statements to enhance problem solving skills CO3: Apply the features of C language to develop applications targeting to the industry
needs. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Tokens in C, data types and keywords - Decision control structures - Loop control structure. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Functions - Library functions - Function definitions - Prototype - Scope - Storage classes - Call by value - Pointers variable - Definition and initialization - Pointer operators - Calling function by reference - const qualifier with pointers - sizeof operator - Pointer arithmetic - Pointers to functions - Recursion - Recursion and stack. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Arrays - Definition - Initialization - 2D arrays - Memory map of 2D arrays - Pointers and 2D arrays - Passing Arrays to functions - Strings - Characters - Character handling library - String I/O - Pointers and strings. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Structure definitions - Initializing structures - Accessing structure members - Array of structures - Pointers to structures - Using structures with functions - Self referential structures - typedef – Unions, enums | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
File processing - Data hierarchy - File and streams - File operations - Sequential-Access file - Random-Access file - Preprocessors - symbolic constants and macros - File inclusion - Conditional compilation
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Lab Exercises:
1.Implement a sample case study: e.g., Bank transaction processing system, Hospital appointment system, Hotel booking system, etc | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] P. J. Deitel, H. M. Deitel, C: How to Program, Pearson Prentice Hall, 9th Edition, 2021. [2] Byron Gottfried, Programming with C, McGraw Hill, 4th Edition, 2018. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Herbert Schildt, The Complete Reference C, Mc Graw Hill, 4th Edition, 2000. [2] Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2012. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course starts with an introduction to the basic concepts in research and leads through the various methodologies involved in the research process. It focuses on finding out the research gap from the literature and encourages lateral, strategic, and creative thinking. This course also introduces computer technology and basic statistics required for conducting research and reporting the research outcomes scientifically, with emphasis on research ethics. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the essence of research and the necessity of defining a research problem. CO2: Apply research methods and methodologies including research design, data collection, data analysis, and interpretation. CO3: Create scientific reports according to specified standards. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Defining research problem: Selecting the problem- Necessity of defining the problem- Techniques involved in defining a problem- Ethics in Research. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Principles of experimental design- Working with Literature: Importance- finding literature- Using your resources- Managing the literature-Keep track of references- Using the literature- Literature review- On-line Searching: Database-SCI Finder- Scopus- Science Direct-Searching research articles- Citation Index -Impact Factor -H-index. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Measurement of Scaling: Quantitative-Qualitative,-Classification of Measure scales- Data Collection- Data Preparation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Scientific Writing: Significance- Steps- Layout- Types- Mechanics and Precautions- Paper writing for international journals- Writing scientific report. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Latex: Introduction-Text-Tables- Figures- Equations- Citations- Referencing and Templates (IEEE style). | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, 4th Edition, New Age International Publishers, 2019. [2] Zina O’Leary, The Essential Guide of Doing Research, 3rd Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] J. W. Creswell, Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th Edition, SAGE Publications, 2014. [2] Kumar, Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners, 4th Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2014. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course begins with an introduction to organizational Basic building block diagram of a digital computer system. As the course progresses each major block ranging from Processor to I/O will be discussed in their full architectural detail. The course talks primarily about Computer Organization and Architecture issues, Architecture of a typical Processor, Memory Organization, I/O devices and their interface and System Bus organization etc. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand and analyze computer architecture and organization, computer arithmetic, and CPU design CO2: Compare the design issues in terms of speed, technology, cost and performance. CO3: Identify the performance of various classes of Memories, build large memories using small memories for better performance and analyze arithmetic for ALU implementation |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Basics Of Digital Electronics: Multiplexers and De multiplexers, Decoder and Encoder, Registers., shift registers, Introduction to combinational circuit, introduction to sequential circuits Register Transfer and Micro Operations: Register Transfer Language and Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfer, Logic Micro Operations, Shift Micro Operations, Design of arithmetic logic unit., arithmetic microoperations | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Data representation: signed number representation, fixed and floating point representations, character representation. Computer arithmetic - integer addition and subtraction, ripple carry adder, carry look-ahead adder, etc. multiplication - shift-and-add, Booth multiplier, carry save multiplier, etc. Division - non-restoring and restoring techniques, floating point arithmetic. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Fundamental concepts – Execution of a complete instruction – Multiple bus organization – Hardwired control – Micro programmed control -Basic concepts – Data hazards – Instruction hazards – Influence on Instruction sets – Data path and control consideration – Superscalar operation. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Memory Hierarchy and Processor Vs Memory Speed– Semiconductor RAMs – ROMs – Speed – size and cost – Cache memories – Performance consideration – Virtual memory- Memory Management requirements – Secondary storage. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to Parallel Processing : Pipelining, Characteristics of multiprocessors, Interconnection Structures, parallel processing Latest technology and trends in computer architecture : multi-cores processor., next generation processors architecture, microarchitecture, latest processor for smartphone or tablet and desktop Multiprocessors : Categorization of multiprocessors(SISD,MIMD,SIMD.SPMD), Introduction to GPU | |
Text Books And Reference Books: 1. Computer Organization – Carl Hamacher, Zvonks Vranesic, SafeaZaky, Vth Edition, McGraw Hill., 2011 2. Computer Systems Architecture – M.Moris Mano, IIIrd Edition, Pearson/PHI,2017 | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Computer Organization and Architecture – William Stallings Sixth Edition, Pearson/PHI,2016 2. Structured Computer Organization – Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 4th Edition PHI/Pearson, 2006 3. Fundamentals or Computer Organization and Design, - Sivaraama Dandamudi Springer Int. V Edition, 2006 | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To provide a strong foundation for database design and application development and understand the underlying core database concepts and emerging technologies. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of database systems, transactions, and related database facilities like concurrency control, data object locking, and protocols. CO2: Analyze the database requirements and develop the logical design of the database. CO3: Develop NoSQL database applications using storing, accessing, and querying. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Conceptual Modeling and Database Design
Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design - Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes, and Keys - Relationship Types, Relationship Sets, Roles, and Structural Constraints - Weak Entity Types - ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions, and Design Issues - Relationship Types of Degree Higher than Two - Enhanced Entity Relationship Model - Relational Database Design by ER- and EER-to-Relational Mapping | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Normalization, File Organization, and Indexing
Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas - Functional Dependencies - Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys - Second and Third Normal Forms - Boyce-Codd Normal Form - Multivalued Dependency and Fourth Normal Form - Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form - - File Organization - Organization of Records in Files - Ordered Indices - B+ Tree Index Files - Static Hashing - Bitmap Indices | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Transaction Processing and Distributed Databases
Transaction - Introduction to transaction processing- transaction and system concept- Desirable properties of transaction- Transaction support in SQL- concurrency control techniques – Two phase Locking techniques for concurrency- Concurrency Control Based on Timestamp Ordering. Recovery Concepts.Distributed databases: Distributed Database concepts- Types - Data Fragmentation- Replication- Allocation Techniques. Overview of Transaction Management - Overview of Concurrency Control and Recovery. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to NoSQL
Definition and Introduction-Sorted Ordered Column-Oriented Stores- Key/Value Stores. Interacting with NoSQL, NoSQL Storage Architecture: Working with Column-Oriented Databases-HBase Distributed Storage Architecture, NoSQL Stores: Accessing Data from Column-Oriented Databases Like HBase-Querying Redis Data Stores- Querying in Neo4J | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
DDL commands, DML commands, TCL commands, NoSQL CRUD operations, NoSQL aggregate functions, Data manipulation using CASSANDRA. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Addison-Wesley, 7th Edition, 2021. [2] Shashank Tiwari, Professional NoSQL, Wrox Press, Wiley, 2021, | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Korth F. Henry and Silberschatz Abraham, Database System Concepts, McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 2010. [2] O’neil Patric, O’neil Elizabeth, Database Principles, Programming and Performance, Argon Kaufmann Publishers, 2nd Edition, 2002. [3] Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, Database Management System, McGraw-Hill, 3rd Edition, 2003. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
MCA171N - PYTHON PROGRAMMING (2023 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course covers programming paradigms brought in by Python with a focus on Regular Expressions, List and Dictionaries. It explores the various modules and libraries to cover the landscape of Python programming. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand and apply Python Data structures . CO2: Demonstrate Object Oriented Concepts in Python. CO3: Apply NumPy and Pandas for solving real time problems. CO4: Design GUI window with database operations. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Underlying mechanism of Module Execution- Sequences, Mapping and Sets- Dictionaries- Functions - Lists and Mutability - Custom and built-in modules. Lab Exercises: 1. Demonstrate use of Python data structures. 2. Demonstrate Lists and Dictionary comprehension. 3. Demonstrate Custom modules with functions. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Classes: Classes and Instances-Inheritance—Polymorphism- Abstract Classes-Exceptional Handling- Regular Expressions using “re” module. Lab Exercises: 4. Demonstrate use of object- oriented programming concepts. 5. Demonstrate exceptional handling. 6. Implement ‘re’ module. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Computation on NumPy-Aggregations-Computation on Arrays-Comparisons, Masks and Boolean Arrays-Fancy Indexing-Sorting Arrays-Structured Data: NumPy’s Structured Array. Introduction to Pandas Objects-Data indexing and Selection-Operating on Data in Pandas-Handling Missing Data-Hierarchical Indexing.
Lab Exercises: 7. Implement NumPy features. 8. Demonstrate Pandas with its operations. 9. Apply different types of indexing methods using NumPy and Pandas. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Basic functions of Matplotlib-Simple Line Plot, Scatter Plot. Introduction to Tkiner module-Root Window-Widgets-Button-Label-Message-Text-Menu-Listboxes-Spinbox-Creating tables. Lab Exercises: 10. Apply regular expression for form validation. 11. Demonstrate the use of “Matplotlib” modules to plot line and scatter plot. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Introduction-Web framework-creating model to add database service- Django administration application. Basic Database Operations and SQL, Databases and Python, The Python DB-API, Connection Objects Databases and Python: Adapters Examples of Using Database Adapters, A Database Adapter Example Application. Lab Exercises: 12. Create a web application using Django framework. 13. Establish database connectivity for a GUI application using all the appropriate widgets and demonstrate data manipulation and visualization. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: 1.Wesely J.Chun, Core Python Application Programming, Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition, 2019. 2.Python Tutorial, Guido Rossum, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018. 3.Python Programming Fundamentals, Kent D. Lee, Springer Publications, 2nd Edition, 2015. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. Programming Python, Mark Lutz , O’Reily Media Inc., 2019. 2. Programming with Python, T. R. Padmanabhan, Springer Publications, 2019. 3. Murach's Python Programming (2nd Edition), Joel Murach, Michael Urban, Mike Murach & Associates, Incorporated, 2021. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA-100% | |
MCA172N - WEB STACK DEVELOPMENT (2023 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:90 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:7 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
On completion of this course, a student will be familiar with full stack and able to develop a web application using advanced technologies and cultivate good web programming style and discipline by solving the real-world scenarios. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Apply JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 effectively to create interactive and dynamic websites.
CO2: Design websites using appropriate security principles, focusing specifically on the vulnerabilities inherent in common web implementations
CO3: Create modern web applications using MERN
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
OVERVIEW OF WEB TECHNOLOGIES AND HTML5 Internet - Client/Server model -Web Search Engine-Web Crawling-Web Indexing-Search Engine Optimization and Limitations-Web Services –Collective Intelligence – Mobile Web –Features of Web 3.0-HTML vs HTML5-Exploring Editors and Browsers Supported by HTML5-New Elements-HTML5 Semantics-Canvas-HTML Media. Git-commit-rollback-remote repository- GitHub-merge conflict-CSS specificity rule-Pseudo selectors-media queries-flexbox-responsive web design-transition-Bootstrap 5 responsive grid-Components ( Navbar, tables, heroes, carousel, modal etc.,) - font awesome icons Lab Exercises: 1. Identify a domain of your choice, list out ten entities in the domain. For each entity, identify minimum 10 attributes and assign the data type for each attribute with proper justification. 2. Develop static pages for a given scenario using HTML
3. Demonstrate Geolocation and Canvas using HTML5 | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
XML AND AJAX XML-Documents and Vocabularies -Versions and Declaration -Namespaces JavaScript and XML: Ajax-DOM based XML processing Event-Transforming XML Documents -Selecting XML Data:XPATH - Template based Transformations: XSLT - Displaying XML Documents in Browsers - Evolution of AJAX - Web applications with AJAX - AJAX Framework. Lab Exercises: 4. Write an XML file and validate the file using XSD
5. Demonstrate XSL with XSD | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
CLIENT-SIDE SCRIPTING JavaScript Implementation - Use Javascript to interact with some of the new HTML5 apis -Create and modify Javascript objects- JS Forms - Events and Event handling-Async await-JS Navigator-JS Cookies - Introduction to JSON-JSON vs XML-JSON Objects-fetch API Lab Exercises: 6. Write a JavaScript program to demonstrate Form Validation and Event Handling 7. Implement web application using AJAX with JSON
8. Demonstrate to fetch the information from an XML file (or) JSON with AJAX | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
React JS
React JS Package Manager (NPM) - ES6- Introduction to React.js - Create React App & React file structure - JSX and Components -passing and destructuring props - React Hooks - Axios - Images and Forms - Conditional Rendering - Routes - Redux Lab Exercises: 9. Create a web application using React Js with Forms. 10. Develop SPA ( Single Page Application) with React JS
11. Implement CRUD Operation using ReactJs. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Node JS and MYSQL
Node JS and MYSQL Introduction to Node.js - Express JS - Node mailer - NODE JS WITH MYSQL - Introduction to MySQL - Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)-Prepared Statement- Uploading Image or File to MySQL- Retrieve Image or File from MySQL - bcrypt hashing Lab Exercises: 12. Demonstrate Node.js file system module.
13. Implement Mysql with Node.JS. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
[1] HTML 5 Black Book (Covers CSS3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, AJAX, PHP, jQuery), DT Editorial Services, Dreamtech Press, 2nd Edition, 2016.
[2] Modern Full-Stack Development: Using TypeScript, React, Node.js, Webpack, and Docker, Frank Zammetti, APRES, 1st Edition, 2020
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Chris Northwood, The Full Stack Developer: Your Essential Guide to the Everyday Skills Expected of a Modern Full Stack Web Developer, Apress Publications, 1st Edition, 2018.
[2] Laura Lemay, Rafe Colburn & Jennifer Kyrnin, Mastering HTML, CSS & Javascript Web Publishing, BPB Publications, 1st Edition, 2016. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The Course provides solid fundamental knowledge of software engineering concepts to the students and it prepares them to develop the skills necessary to handle software projects. It also enables the students to apply software engineering principles to develop quality software applications. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the importance of the stages in the software life cycle and the various
process models. CO2: Design software by applying the software engineering principles. CO3: Develop the quality software using efficient project management. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
A generic process model – Defining a framework activity, identifying a Task Set, Process - Prescriptive Process Models-Specialized Process Models. Requirements Engineering- Developing use cases, Elements of the requirements Model, Analysis pattern, negotiating requirements, validating requirements-Latest Methodology-RAD, DevOps, Fish Model, SCRUM Agile Modeling- Practicing with Rational Rose / other Open Source for all the phases of SDLC | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
The design process-Design concepts – Abstraction, Architecture, Patterns, Separation of concerns, Modularity, information hiding, Functional Independence, refinement, Aspects, Refactoring, Design classes, The design Model – Data Design elements, Architectural Design elements, Interface Design Elements, Component-Level Design elements, Deployment’s level Design elements. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Basic Design Principles, Component-level Design guidelines, Cohesion, Coupling, Functional design at the Component level, Designing traditional components–Component based development-Domain Engineering, Component qualification, Adaptation, and Composition, Analysis and Design for reuse. User Interface Analysis and Design models, COCOMO II Model. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Software Quality- Software testing fundamentals- internal and external view of testing, White-box testing, Basic path testing - control structure testing - Black- box testing- Strategic Approach to Software Testing-verification and validation, unit testing-Integration Testing- Unit testing in OO context, Integration testing in OO context, validation testing, system testing. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Metrics in the process and project domains-Metrics for software quality, The project planning process, Software scope and Feasibility, Resources, software project estimation, Decomposition techniques- DevOps- Empirical estimation models, Software equation. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Pressman S Roger, Software Engineering A Practitioner’s Approach, McGraw Hill International Editions, 8th Edition (Indian Edition), 2019. [2] Sommerville, Ian, Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 9th Edition, 2011. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering: A Precise Approach, Wiley India, 2010. [2] Stephen R. Schach, Software Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2007.
Web Resources: [1] www.nptel.ac.in | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course covers the concept of applied statistics, probability and R tool in computational perspective. It explore the practical experience of statistics and probability using R programming. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the applied statistics and probability concepts from a computational
perspective. CO2: Creating knowledge on statistics and probability to learn courses like machine
learning and deep learning. CO3: Creating knowledge on statistics and probability to learn courses like machine
learning and deep learning. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Basic calculation - Getting Help - Installing Packages - Data and programming : Data Types, Data Structures, programming Basics | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Lab Exercises:
1. Perform basic calculations using R data structures(Vector, Matrices, List, Data Frames) 2. Reshape data structures | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to Statistics and Data, Types of Data -Quantitative Data, Qualitative Data, Data, Multivariate Data etc. Features of Data distributions - Center, Spread, Shape, Symmetry, Skewness and Kurtosis, Stem and Leaf Diagrams, Frequency Distributions and Histogram, Measures of Center - Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of Spread - Range, Variance, Standard Deviation, Interquartile range, Measures of Relative Position: Quartiles, Percentiles.Plotting - Histogram, Bar plot, Box plot, Scatter Plot, Pie chart. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Lab Exercises:
3. Calculate descriptive statistics 4. Visualize Data using plots(Bar, histogram, pie, scatter, Box) | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Hypothesis Tests in R - One sample t-Test Review and example, Two sample t-Test Review - and example - Simulation, Simple Linear Regression - Modeling, Least square approach, The lm function - Maximum likelihood Estimation(MLE) Approach, Simulating SLR, Analysis of Varience - One-Way ANOVA, Two-Way ANOVA | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Lab Exercises:
5. Build simple linear regression model 6. Perform a one-way analysis of variance 7. Perform a Two-way analysis of variance | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Sample Spaces - Events - Model Assignments - Properties of Probability - Counting Methods - Conditional probability - Independent Events - Bayes' Rule - Random Variables | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Lab Exercises:
8. Demonstrate conditional probability 9. Demonstrate Bayes' rule | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Lab Exercises:
10. Explore all learned statistical concepts using dataset of any domain. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Healthcare - Finance - Digital Marketing- Environment-Sports | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Applied Statistics with R, David Dalpiaz, 2021. [2] Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R, G. Jay Kerns, Lulu.com, 2016. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] An introduction to statistical data analysis using R, Basic operations, graphics and modelling using R, Christoph Scherber [2] Applied Statistics with R- A Practical Guide for the Life Sciences,Justin C. Touchon, Oxford university press, 2021. [3] SimpleR – Using R for Introductory Statistics, John Verzani [4] A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R, Brian S. Everitt and Torsten Hothorn [5] Probability and Statistics with Examples using R, Siva Athreya, Deepayan Sarkar, and Steve Tanner
Web Resources: 1. https://book.stat420.org/applied_statistics.pdf 2. https://eleuven.github.io/statthink/ChapCaseStudies.html#physical-strength-and-job-performance 3. https://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~cscherb1/content/Statistics%20Course%20files/R-Manual%20Goettingen.pdf 4. https://cbb.sjtu.edu.cn/~mywu/bi217/usingR.pdf 5. https://www.isibang.ac.in/~athreya/psweur/#about | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100%
| |
MCA233N - OPERATING SYSTEMS (2023 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To understand and appreciate the different functions of Operating Systems |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Comprehend the fundamentals concepts and building blocks of Operating
Systems CO2: Understand the concepts of processes, threads, files, inter-process communication
and memory management CO3: Appreciate the concepts of processes, threads, files, inter-process communication
and memory management |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Fundamentals and Process Management
Concepts - Operating System Definition – Operating System operations – Kernel Data Structures - Operating System Services - System Calls - Linkers and Loaders – Process Management – Concepts - Process Concept – Kernel Level Data Structures for Process Management - Operations on Process IPC Basics – IPC in Shared-Memory Systems – IPC in Message-Passing Systems – Examples of IPC Systems – Pipe, FIFO, Message Queue | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
File Management
File-System Interface - File Concept – File Operations - Kernel Level Data Structures for File Management - Operations on Files File-System Implementation – File System Structure - File System Operations - Directory Allocation - Allocation Methods – Free Space Management – Kernel Level Data Structures for handing open files. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Threads and Synchronization
Multi-Threading – Overview – Multi-Threading Models – Thread Libraries Thread Synchronization – Critical Section – Synchronization Objects | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Memory Management
Main Memory – Conceptual background – Contiguous Memory Allocation – Paging – Swapping Virtual Memory – Background – Demand Paging – Page Replacement – Thrashing | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Process Related commands – Debugging Commands – process synchronization - shell scripting – file related commands – system calls - Socket Programming | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Abraham Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, G. Gagne, Operating System Concepts, Wiley, 10th Edition, 2018 [2] Andrew S Tanenbaum & Herbert Bos, Modern Operating Systems, Pearson, 4th Edition, 2014 | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Times New Roman, font size 12, Justified alignment [2] Mention the Book Title, Author Name(s), Publisher Name, Edition, Year [3] Digital Computer Fundamentals, Floyd, Thomas L, Pearson International, 11th Edition, 2015
Web Resources: 1. www.w3cschools.com 2. https://archive.ics.uci.edu | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:1 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
1. To have hands on experience in developing a software project by using various software engineering principles and methods in each of the phases of software development. 2. Ability to translate end-user requirements into system and software requirements 3. Able to identify and formulate research problem, conduct critical research review based on the domain Description Each student will be encouraged to develop a project based on the societal and institutional needs. At the end of the Course the students will be submitting design document / literature review document in the IEEE format. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To understand the concepts of Software Engineering CO2: To Identify the problem in the specified area and Analyze the problem, identify
the different modules to solve the problems CO3: To Analyze the research gap and propose the novel methodology for given
problem |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Option - I :Software Development
1. Domain Identification, Problem Identification, Requirement Analysis for the specific Problem - 15 Hours 2. Preparation of SRS Document, DFD, Design the Modules - 15 Hours | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Option - II :Research Project
1. Domain Identification, Conduct the Critical review on the selected research problem, Identify the Research Gap - 15 Hours 2. Formulate research questions, Collect the data based on the research questions, Propose Novel methodology to solve the research issues - 15 Hours | |
Text Books And Reference Books: NIL | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading NIL | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:90 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:8 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To provide extensive knowledge of data structures and algorithms using C language to the students. It helps in developing the ability to solve computational problems through programs. Lab component is included to give hands-on experience to the students. It includes linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Design code involving applications arrays, structures, Pointer, stacks, queues, trees, and
graphs CO2: Understand various techniques for searching, sorting, and hashing CO3: Implement an appropriate data structure to solve real world problems |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Introduction to Data Structure
Abstract Data Types - Arrays, Limitation of the Array, Records & Pointers-About Arrays, Records & Pointers; Their Implementation in Memory, Using One Dimensional Array &Two Dimensional, About Record & Pointers. Linked List - Concept of Singly Linked List, Operations on Linked List, Inserting and Removing Nodes from a List, Array Implementation of Lists, Implementation Over Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Generalized List. Lab Programs 1. Implement Matrix manipulation on Arrays 2. Implement linked list and its operations. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Stack and Queues
Stacks- Definition and Example, Primitive Operations, Stack as an ADT, Implementation of Stacks as An Array and Linked List, Operations on Stacks, Stack Stored as A Linked List, Arithmetic Expression, Converting an Expression from Infix to Postfix. Queues - Definition And examples Of Queues, Queues as An Abstract Data Type, Queues Stored as a Linked List, Circular Queue, Implementation of Queues as An Array and Linked List, Operations on Queues, Priority Queue &; Dequeue. Lab Programs 3. Application of Stack (convert an infix expression to the postfix form) 4. Queue Operations using Linked List | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Sorting & Searching
Searching - Linear Search, Binary Search, Hashing: hash tables, hash functions, collision resolution‐separate chaining, open addressing‐linear probing, quadratic probing, double hashing – Patter matching: Naïve / KMP Sorting: Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Merge and Quick sort along with time complexity Lab Programs 5. Implementation of Linear and Binary Search 6. Implementation of Quick / Merge Sort | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Trees- Definition of Trees, Basic Terminology of Trees, Binary Tree, Binary Tree Representation as An Array & Linked List, Application of Trees, Binary Tree Traversal: In-Order, Pre-Order, Post-Order - Threaded Binary Tree, Height Balance Tree, B-Trees, Binary Search Trees, Construction of BST Operations‐ Searching, Insertion and Deletion, AVL Trees, Height of an AVL Tree, Operations – Insertion, Deletion and Searching. Lab Programs 7. Implementation of Tree Traversal 8. Construction of BST and operations | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Graphs: Basic Terminology of Graphs, Implementation of Graphs as An Arrays & Linked List, Operation on Graphs, Graphs Traversals: Breadth First Search, Depth First Search – Topological Sort – Minimum Spanning Tree: Prims and Kruskals Lab Programs: 9. Implementation of Graph Traversal 10. Program to construct Minimum Spanning Tree | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Gilberg, F Richard & Forouzan, A Behrouz, Data Structures A Pseudocode approach with C,Cengage. 2nd Edition, 2008. [2] Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, MIT Press, 3rd Edition, 2009 | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Peter Brass, Advanced Data Structures, Cambridge University Press. [2] Horowitz Sahni Anderson-Freed, Fundamental of Data Structures in C, Universities Press, Reprint, 2008. [3] Yashavant Kanetkar , Data Structures Through C, BPB Publications, 2019. Web Resources: [1] https://www.programiz.com/c-programming [2] https://www.hackerrank.com/domains/data-structures | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:90 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:8 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course will help the learner to gain sound knowledge in object-oriented principles, GUI application design with database, and enterprise application design with Servlets. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understanding and applying the principles of object-oriented programming in the
construction of robust, maintainable programs. CO2: Analyze the various societal and environmental problems critically to develop
solutions using the features of programming language. CO3: Develop sustainable and innovative solutions for real-time problems. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles- Class Fundamentals - Declaring Objects - Introducing Methods - Overloading methods – Constructors - Parameterized Constructors - this Keyword. Class Features Garbage Collection - the finalize () Method - Introducing Access Control - Understanding static - Introducing nested and inner classes - String class - String Buffer Class - Command Line Arguments. Lab Exercises: 1. Identify a domain of your choice, list out ten entities in the domain. For each entity, identify minimum 10 attributes and assign the data type for each attribute with proper justification. 2. Implement the concept of class, data members, member functions and access specifiers. 3. Implement the concept of function overloading & Constructor overloading. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Inheritance in Java Inheritance Basics - Multilevel Hierarchy- Using super - Method overriding - Dynamic Method Dispatch- Abstract keyword- Using final with inheritance - The Object Class. Interfaces and Packages Inheritance in java with Interfaces – Defining Interfaces - Implementing Interfaces - Extending Interfaces- Creating Packages - CLASSPATH variable - Access protection - Importing Packages - Interfaces in a Package. Multithreading Java Thread Model - Life cycle of a Thread - Java Thread Priorities - Runnable interface and Thread Class- Thread Synchronization – Inter Thread Communication. Lab Exercises: 4. Implement String and String Buffer classes. 5. Implement the concept of inheritance, super, abstract and final keywords. 6. Implement the concept of package and interface. 7. Implement the concept of multithreading. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Generics Generics Concept - General Form of a Generic Class – Bounded Types – Generic Class Hierarchy - Generic Interfaces – Restrictions in Generics. Lambda Expression Introduction to Lambda expression- Block Lambda Expressions - Generic Functional Interfaces - Passing lambda expressions as arguments - Lambda expressions and exceptions- Lambda expressions and variable capture. The Collections Framework The Collections Overview – Collection Interface – List Interface – Set Interface – SortedSet Interface – Queue Interface - ArrayList Class – LinkedList Class – HashSet Class – Using an Iterator – The For Each Statement. Working with maps – The map interfaces, the map classes. Comparators- the collection algorithms Lab Exercises: 8. Implement the concept of Generics 9. Implement the concept of the lambda expression 10. Implement the concept of a collection framework | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
JDBC Introduction to JDBC- Connecting to the database- Basic JDBC Operations – Essential JDBC Classes – JDBC Drivers – JDBC-ODBC Bridge – Connecting to a database with driver manager – JDBC database URL. JAVA BEANS Java beans - Advantages of Beans – Introspection- Bound and Constrained Properties – Persistence – Customizers - The JavaBeans API. JAVA SWING Swing Basics – Components and Containers – JLabel and ImageIcons- JTextField – Swing Buttons – JTabbedPane – JScrollPane – JList – JComboBox – JTable – Swing Menus. Lab Exercises: 11. Implement the concept of JDBC 12. Implement the concept of java beans 13. 13. Implement the concept of java swing | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
JAVA SERVLETS Servlets Basics – Life Cycle of a Servlet –A Simple Servlet - The Servlet API – Servlet Interfaces – Generic Servlet Class- HttpServletRequest Interface – HttpServeltResponse JSP The JSP development model – component of jsp page – Page directive – Action – scriptlet – JSP expression, JSP Syntax and semantics, JSP in XML. Lab Exercises: 14. Implement the concept of java servlets 15. Implement the concept of JSP | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Schildt Herbert, Java : The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw- Hill, 11 th Edition,2019 [2] The complete reference JSP 2.0, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2nd Edition, Phil Hanna [3] Cay S Horstmann, Core Java Volume 1 Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 11th Edition, 2018. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading 1. https://www.javatpoint.com/java-tutorial 2. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/java/ | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course aims to set the foundation for computer networks and introduce the cryptographic approaches. The course covers the communication process between devices with a standard set of protocols based on the Internet model (TCP/IP). The last two units present the cryptographic approaches used for network security. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Follow Network Architecture and its functionality.
CO2: Evaluate network protocols for data transmission in various types of networks.
CO3: Explain the working principle of Algorithms in Cryptography.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Data Communications - Data Transmission: Concepts and Terminology - Analog and Digital Data Transmission - Transmission Impairments - Transmission Media - Guided Transmission Media - Wireless Transmission - Signal Encoding Techniques - Digital Data - Digital Signals - Digital Data - Analog Signals - Analog Data - Digital Signals - Analog Data - Analog Signals. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Digital Data Communication Techniques- Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission - Types of Errors - Error Detection - Error Correction - Line Configurations - Multiplexing: Frequency - Division Multiplexing - Synchronous Time-Division Multiplexing - Statistical Time-Division Multiplexing - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line - Circuit Switching Networks - Circuit Switching Concepts - Packet-Switching Principles | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Congestion Control in Data Networks - Congestion Control - Traffic Management - Congestion Control in Packet - Switching Networks - High-Speed LANs: The Emergence of High-Speed LANs - Ethernet - Wireless LANs: IEEE 802.11 Architecture and Services - Internetwork Protocols - Internetwork Protocols: Internet Protocol - IPv6 - Transport Protocols: Connection-Oriented Transport Protocol Mechanisms – TCP - TCP Congestion Control - UDP. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to Cryptography and Data Security - Stream Ciphers - Block Cipher - The Data Encryption Standard (DES) and Alternatives - The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) - Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography - The RSA Cryptosystem - Public-Key Cryptosystems Based on the Discrete Logarithm Problem - Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Digital Signatures - The Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) - Hash Functions - Message Authentication Codes (MACs) - Principles of Message Authentication Codes - MACs from Hash Functions: HMAC - Key Establishment. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern 50 % CIA 50% ESE | |
MCA332N - DATA MINING (2023 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course helps to preprocess and analyze data, choose relevant models and algorithms for respective applications and to develop research interest towards advances in data mining. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand different types of data to be mined and different preprocessing techniques.
CO2: Categorize the scenario for applying different data mining techniques.
CO3: Evaluate different models used for classification and clustering.
CO4: Focus towards research and innovation.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Data Mining Introduction: An overview of Data Mining – Kinds of data and pattern to be mined –Technologies – Targeted Applications - Major Issues in Data Mining – Data Objects and Attribute Types – Measuring Data Similarity and Dissimilarity
Data Preprocessing: Data Cleaning –Data Integration–Data Reduction–Data Transformation – Data Discretization | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Basic Concepts – Frequent Itemset Mining Methods – Apriori Algorithm-Generating Association Rules from Frequent Itemsets – Pattern Evaluation Methods – Pattern Mining in Multilevel, Multidimensional space – Constraint-Based Frequent Pattern Mining – Mining Compressed or Approximate Patterns – Pattern Exploration and Application | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Basic Concepts – Decision Tree Induction – Bayes Classification Methods – Rule-Based Classification – Model Evaluation and Selection – Techniques to Improve Classification Accuracy – Classification by Backpropagation – Support Vector Machines – Learning from Your Neighbors. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Cluster Analysis – Definition – Types of Data in Cluster Analysis, Clustering methods– Partitioning Methods – k-Means– k-Medoids– Hierarchical Methods –Agglomerative versus Divisive Hierarchical Clustering –BIRCH–Density-Based Methods–DBSCAN. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Outliers and Outlier Analysis – Clustering-Based Approach – Classification-Based Approach – Mining Complex Data Types – Data Mining Applications. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern 50% CIA 50% ESE | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:6 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course covers a wide range of topics, including financial reporting, financial analysis, budgeting, internal control, and financial decision-making. The course begins by introducing students to the fundamental principles of accounting and the preparation and interpretation of financial statements. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Students should develop a solid understanding of basic accounting principles, concepts, and terminology. CO2: Students should be able to apply accounting principles to record, analyze, and report financial transactions of individuals, businesses, or organizations. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Financial Accounting Fundamentals
Introduction to financial accounting - The accounting equation and financial statements - The accounting cycle and adjusting entries - Cash flow statement and financial analysis | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Managerial Accounting and Costing
Introduction to managerial accounting - Cost behavior and cost-volume-profit analysis – Job - costing and process costing-Budgeting and variance analysis | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Financial Management Basics
Introduction to financial management - Time value of money and discounted cash flows - Risk and return, portfolio theory, and capital asset pricing model (CAPM) - Capital budgeting and financing decisions | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Financial Markets and Instruments
Financial markets and intermediaries - Stocks, bonds, and other securities - Derivatives and - hedging - Investment banking and mergers and acquisitions | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Financial Reporting and Analysis
Financial statement analysis - Ratio analysis and benchmarking - Forecasting and valuation models - Corporate governance and ethical considerations | |
Text Books And Reference Books: https://www.udemy.com/topic/financial-management/
https://in.coursera.org/learn/financial-accounting-polimi | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
https://www.edx.org/course/accounting-and-finance | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:1 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To develop the software project based on requirements
CO2: To solve the research issues using novel methodology
CO3: Able to develop real time projects / present Paper, publish research articles and Patents |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Option ? I : Software Development
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Option ? II : Research Project
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:90 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:8 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course will enable students to learn to setup Android Application development environment, create user friendly User Interfaces, handle multiple activity, persistent application development, handle data in cloud, test and deploy the App in the market. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of Mobile application development
CO2: Design and develop user interfaces for the Android platforms
CO3: Apply Kotlin programming concepts to Android application development
CO4: Deploy mobile app with material design principles.
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
History of Mobile Apps, Trends in Market-Web App Vs Mobile App-Mobile OS.Introduction to Android and Kotlin: Kotlin Basics – Classes and Objects- Inheritance- Functions – Extension Functions – First Android App – Anatomy of an Android App - Deploying the app: Running and Debugging app in Android Emulator. Lab Exercises: 1. Form Creation 2. Activity and Layout demonstration
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Layouts in Android ConstraintLayout - Displaying lists with RecyclerView Multiple activities and intents - App bar, navigation drawer, and menus Fragments - Navigation in an app - Navigation UI. Lab Exercises: 3. Intents
4. User navigation
| |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Introduction to Activity-Activity Lifecycle – Logging. Fragment: Introduction - Lifecycle- Task and Back Stack. Android App Architecture - View Model -Data Binding – Live Data- Transform Live Data.
Lab Exercises: 1. Activity Lifecycle
2. Fragment Lifecycle
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Store Data-Room Persistency Library-Asynchronous program-Coroutines-Testing Databases. Introduction to Advanced Binding – Multiple Item View types-Headers -GridLayouts.
Lab Exercises: 1. Sharedpreference
2. Recyclerview
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:18 |
Connect to the Internet-Android Permissions-connect to and from Network Resources – Connect to the Web Services-Display Images. Repository pattern – Work Manager – Work Input/Output – Work Request Constraints. App UI Design: Android Styling – Typography-Material Design- Material Components- Localization.
Lab Exercises: 1. Work Manager
2. Material Design
| |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:7 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:5 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course inculcates the theoretical and practical approaches which focus on advanced programming concepts in Python. This course explores data analysis, text analysis, gaming, and web development using python.
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Create different visualizations using Python
CO2: Design websites using Python IDE frameworks
CO3: Apply Python for Image Processing and Text analysis
CO4: Develop Games using modern tools
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Python for Data Visualization
Making 3D visualizations: Creating 3D bars- Creating 3D histograms – Animating in Matplotlib – Plotting Charts with Images and Maps: Processing images with PIL – Plotting with Images – Plotting data on a map using Basemap Lab Exercises: 1. Demonstrate Plots with Images and Maps
2. Apply 3D visualization concepts | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Python for Web development using FLASK
Basic Application Structure: Initialization – Routes and View functions – Server Startup – The request – response cycle. Templates: The Jinja2 Template Engine – Links – Static Files. Web Forms: Form Classes – HTML rendering forms – Form Handling. Lab Exercises: 3. Design a website using FLASK and perform CRUD operations
4. Demonstrate views and templates in FLASK | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Python for Image Processing
Image and its Properties-Image types – Data structures for Image analysis - Filtering – Image Enhancement -Segmentation. Lab Exercises: 5. Apply Image transformation and Manipulations
6. Use Image Enhancement techniques | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Python for Text Analysis
Processing and understanding text: Text processing and wrangling – Text classifications: Automated Text classifications – Data retrieval – Classification models. Lab Exercises 7.Find text similarity using Information Retrieval
8. Demonstrate the text analytics process in Social Media like Twitter / Facebook / Instagram | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:15 |
Python for Game Development
Introducing Pygame- Installing Pygame – Using Pygame – Understanding Events – Opening a display – Using the font module. Lab Exercises: 9. Build a game using Cocos2D
10. Design a game object with different movements | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:3 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To provide a foundational knowledge of data engineering and knowledge representation. To store, retrieve, analyze and design data for various applications. To represent different sorts of knowledge, such as uncertain or incomplete knowledge. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To store and retrieve data effectively CO2: To analyse the data from different sources CO3: To analyse and design knowledge based systems |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Data Engineering Introduction to Data Engineering - Data Engineering versus Data Science – Data Engineering tools– Data Engineering Lifecycle. Data Models Data Systems – Reliability – Scalability – Maintainability -Data Models and Query Languages. - Relational Model Versus Document Model - Query Languages for Data -Query Languages for Data,Declarative Queries on the Web ,MapReduce Querying ,Graph-Like Data Models Property Graphs ,The Cypher Query Language ,Graph Queries in SQL ,Triple-Stores and SPARQL.
| |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction – Data Engineering ecosystem - Building data pipelines—Extract, Transform, Load -ETL Process – Data Structures related to Database – Other data integration methods – Benefits and Challenges of ETL – ETL tools.
Data Warehousing - Stars and Snowflakes: Schemas for Analytics- Column-Oriented Storage - Column Compression -Sort Order in Column Storage - Writing to Column-Oriented Storage. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Data Storage and Retrieval Non Relational data Non Relational data – NoSQL- Language-Specific Formats JSON, XML, and Binary Variants - Modes of Dataflow Dataflow Through Databases.
DATA in Distributed systems
Data in distributed systems – Partitioning and Replication - Partitioning of Key-Value Data - Partitioning and Secondary Trouble with Distributed Systems- Faults and Partial Failures - Unreliable Networks - Unreliable Clocks.
| |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Knowledge Representation - Ontological Engineering - Categories and Objects . Events - Mental Events and Mental Objects - Reasoning Systems for Categories - Reasoning with Default Information Uncertain knowledge and reasoning- Quantifying Uncertainty - Acting under Uncertainty - Basic Probability Notation. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Probabilistic Reasoning-Representing Knowledge in an Uncertain Domain -The Semantics of Bayesian Networks -Efficient Representation of Conditional Distributions -Exact Inference in Bayesian Networks -Relational and First-Order Probability Models. | |
Text Books And Reference Books:
| |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
| |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
MCA471N - MOBILE APPLICATIONS (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:7 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course will enable students to learn to setup Android Application development environment, create user friendly User Interfaces, handle multiple activity, persistent application development, handle data in cloud, test and deploy the App in the market. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand the basic concepts of Mobile application development CO2: Design and develop user interfaces for the Android platforms CO3: Apply Java programming concepts to Android application development CO4: Demonstrate advanced Java programming competency by developing a maintainable and efficient cloud based mobile application |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
History of Mobile Apps, Trends in Market-Web App Vs Mobile App-Mobile OS-What is Android?-Why Develop apps for Android?-Most popular platform for mobile apps-best experience for app users Android version-the challenges of Android app development | |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Features of Android-Android Software Stack- Android System Architecture-Android Core building blocks- Introduction to Android Studio-Building first Android App-Layouts and resources for UI-Text and Scrolling views | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Introduction to Activity and Intent-Activity life cycle and state-Implicit and Explicit Intents-The Android Studio debugger-App testing and Android support library-Understanding the views-components-understanding screen- screen orientation | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Button-clickable images-Input controls-Menus and pickers- user navigation-RecyclerView-Drawables-styles and themes-material design resources for adoptive layouts and UI Testing. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Background Tasks-AsyncTask and AsyncTaskloader, Internet Connection-Broadcast receiver- Services-Alarms and Schedulers -Notifications-Alarms- Delightful user experience. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Preference and settings, Storage types, Data Storage, shared preference, App settings, SQLite Primer, Room, LiveData and ViewModel- introduction to Firebase – Firebase data handling CRUD operation.
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:6 |
Fragments- Fragment lifecycle and communication- sensor basics-Introduction to API usage- using maps in your apps-Animation – Media Playback- video view. Phone calls – SMS Messages-Material design-design concepts-usage-user experience handling- deployment of App in Play store- security aspects of APP -Introduction to Kotlin, concepts of framework and Flutter | |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:45 |
Lab Exercises
1. Installation of Android Studio and Hello World 2. Layout Editors 3. Input Controls. 4. Activity and Intents- Implicit and Explicit and camera 5. Input controls 6. Menu and pickers 7. User navigation – Recyclerview 8. MediaController 9. Fragments 10. AsyncTask and AsyncTaskloader 11. Notifications 12. BroadcastReceiver 13. Sharedpreference 14. SQLite /Firebase
15. APK Deployment | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] John Horton, Android programming for beginners, Packt-Birmingham, Mumbai, 2nd edition, 2018.
[2] Bill Philips, Chris Stewart, Kristin Masrsicano, Android Programming: The Big Nerd ranch Guide, 4th edition, 2019. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Dawn Griffiths and David Griffiths, Head First Android Development: A Brain-Friendly guide, O’Reilly, 2nd edition, 2019.
[2] Mark Wickham, Practical Android: 14 Complete Projects on Advanced Techniques and Approaches, APRESS. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA: 100 Marks | |
MCA472N - MACHINE LEARNING (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:75 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:7 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The objective of this course is to provide introduction to the principles and design of machine learning algorithms. The course is aimed at providing foundations for conceptual aspects of machine learning algorithms along with their applications to solve real world problems. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand basic principles of machine learning techniques CO2: Evaluate machine learning problems and their solutions CO3: Apply machine learning algorithms to solve real world problems |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Machine Learning - Examples of Machine Applications - Learning Associations - Classification -Regression -Unsupervised Learning - Reinforcement Learning. Supervised Learning: Learning class from examples - Noise - Learning Multiple classes. Regression-Model Selection and Generalization. Introduction to Parametric methods - Maximum Likelihood Estimation: Bernoulli Density -Multinomial Density-Gaussian Density, Nonparametric Density Estimation: Histogram Estimator-Kernel Estimator-K-Nearest Neighbour Estimator. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Machine Learning - Examples of Machine Applications - Learning Associations - Classification -Regression -Unsupervised Learning - Reinforcement Learning. Supervised Learning: Learning class from examples - Noise - Learning Multiple classes. Regressio
Clustering - Introduction - Mixture Densities, K-Means Clustering - Mixtures of Latent Varaible Models - Supervised Learning after Clustering - Spectral Clustering - Hierachial Clustering - Clustering - Choosing the number of Clusters. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Decision Tree – Introduction, Univariate Tree, tree Pruning, Rule Extraction from tree. Linear Discrimination: Introduction - Generalizing the Linear Model-Geometry of the Linear Discriminant - Pairwise Separation - Gradient Descent - Logistic Discrimination. | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Kernel Machines - Introduction - optical separating hyperplane kernel tricks - Vectorial Kernels Multi-Layer Perceptron Introduction, training a perceptron - learning Boolean functions - multilayer perceptron – back propagation algorithm - training procedures. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction, Single state case, elements of reinforcement learning, Temporal difference learning, Generalization, partially observed state. | |
Unit-6 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Lab Exercises
1. Data Exploration using Parametric Methods and Non-Parametric Methods 2. Dimensionality Reduction using PCA 3. K Means Clustering 4. Hierarchical Clustering 5. Classification using Decision tree 6. Logistic Discrimination 7. Classification using Kernel Machines 8. Classification using MLP 9. Temporal reinforcement Learning | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] E. Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning, 3rd Edition, MIT Press, 2014. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] C.M.Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2016. [2] T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani and J. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference and Prediction, Springer, 2nd Edition, 2009. [3] K.P.Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012. | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50% ESE 50% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:90 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:8 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course is to make students familiar with the concepts of the study of human language from a computational perspective. It covers syntactic, semantic and discourse processing models, emphasizing machine learning concepts. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: To understand various approaches on syntax and semantics in NLP CO2: To apply various methods to discourse, generation, dialogue and summarization using NLP. CO3: To analyze various methodologies used in Machine Translation, machine learning techniques used in NLP including unsupervised models and to analyze real time applications |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Introduction to NLP- Background and overview- NLP Applications -NLP hard Ambiguity- Algorithms and models, Knowledge Bottlenecks in NLP-Introduction to NLTK, Case study. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Word Level Analysis: Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, Edit Distance, Parsing and Syntax-Spelling, Error Detection and correction-Words and Word Classes-Part-of speech Tagging, Naive Bayes and Sentiment Classification: Case study | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Semantic Analysis: Meaning Representation-Lexical Semantics- Ambiguity-Word Sense Disambiguation. Discourse Processing: cohesion-Reference Resolution- Discourse Coherence and Structure | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
N-gram Language Models: N-Grams, Evaluating Language Models-The language modelling problem | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Architecture of NLG Systems, Applications Machine Translation: Problems in Machine Translation- Machine Translation Approaches- Evaluation of Machine Translation systems. Case study: Characteristics of Indian Languages | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Information Retrieval: Design features of Information Retrieval Systems-Classical, Non- classical, Alternative Models of Information Retrieval. Lexical Resources: Word Embeddings - Word2vec- Glove. Language models for information retrieval, Language modeling versus other approaches in IR. | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Graphical Models for Sequence Labelling in NLP
| |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Lab Exercises (45 Hours)
1. (a) Import NLTK and download the data (b) Import and display one of the corpus (c) Import and display words from the corpus (d) Perform “Searching Text” from a corpus and display the results (e) Count and display how often a word occurs in a text and plot the same 2. Write a program to count word frequency and to remove stopwords 3. Write a program to tokenize English and Non-English Languages 4. Write a program to get synonyms and Antonyms from WordNet 5. Write a program for stemming Non-English words 6. Write a program for lemmatizing words using WordNet 7. Write a program to differentiate stemming and lemmatizing words 8. Write a program for POS Tagging. 9. Write a program for Word Embeddings. 10. Case study-based program (IBM) or Sentiment analysis. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] Speech and Language Processing, Daniel Jurafsky and James H., 2nd Edition, Martin Prentice Hall, 2013. [2] Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999. [3] Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press. 2012. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Foundations of Computational Linguistics: Human-computer Communication in Natural Language, Roland R. Hausser, Springer, 2014. [2] Steven Bird, Ewan Klein and Edward Loper Natural Language Processing with Python, O’Reilly Media; 1st edition, 2009. Web Resources: [1] https://web.stanford.edu/~jurafsky/slp3/ed3book.pdf [2] https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106101007/ [3] NLTK – Natural Language Tool Kit-http://www.nltk.org | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
MCA481N - SEMINAR (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3 |
Max Marks:50 |
Credits:2 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
The course is designed to enhance the soft skills and technical understanding of the students. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Understand new and latest trends in Information Technology CO2: Demonstrate the professional presentation abilities CO3: Apply the acquired knowledge in their research |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
Students takesseminar in advanced concepts in computer science. | |
Text Books And Reference Books: No Books | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading No Books | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 50 Marks | |
MCA571N - CLOUD COMPUTING (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:90 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:8 |
Max Marks:150 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
This course gives an overview of the field of Cloud computing and an in-depth study into its enabling technologies and main building blocks. Students will gain hands-on experience solving relevant problems through projects that will utilize existing public cloud tools. The students will develop the skills needed to become a practitioner or carry out projects in this domain. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: Interpret the types and service models of any given cloud platform. CO2: Analyse the core issues in line with the security, privacy, and interoperability in cloud
platform. CO3: Assess the comparative advantages and disadvantages of Virtualization technology. CO4: Create a cloud environment using open source software tools. |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Definition of Cloud Computing - Characteristics of Cloud Computing - Cloud Models - Service Models - Deployment Models - Cloud Services Examples - IaaS: Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, Azure VMs - PaaS: Google App Engine - SaaS: Salesforce - Cloud-based Services & Applications. | |
Unit-2 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Virtualization - Load Balancing - Scalability & Elasticity Deployment –Replication – Monitoring - Software Defined Networks - Service Level Agreements – Security - Billing. | |
Unit-3 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Identity and Access Management Services - User, Groups, Roles - Compute Services - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Google Compute Engine - Windows Azure Virtual Machines - Storage Services - Amazon Simple Storage Service - Google Cloud Storage - Windows Azure Storage | |
Unit-4 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
Amazon Relational Data Store - Amazon DynamoDB -Google Cloud SQL - Google Cloud Datastore - Windows Azure SQL Database - Amazon Virtual Private Network - Windows Azure Table Service. Application Services - Content Delivery Services - Amazon CloudFront - Windows Azure Content Delivery Network | |
Unit-5 |
Teaching Hours:9 |
PaaS - Google AppEngine - Amazon Elastic Beanstalk - SaaS - Salesfore - Open source Private Cloud Softwares - Openstack - CloudStack - Eucalyptus – OwnCloud | |
Text Books And Reference Books: [1] AWS Academy Cloud Foundation Modules, AWS, 2021. [2] Google Cloud Platform Associated Qwiklabs, 2020. [3] Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Cloud computing - A Hands-On Approach, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Reprint 2018. | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading [1] Judith S. Hurwitz and Daniel Kirsch, Cloud Computing For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 2020. [2] Zaigham Mahmood, Ricardo Puttini and Thomas Erl, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, Pearson Publications, 2013.
Web Resources: [1] https://www.w3schools.in/cloud-computing/cloud-computing/ [2] https://docs.aws.amazon.com [3] https://cloud.google.com › docs | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:5 |
Max Marks:100 |
Credits:4 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
To work on a project were student are specialized in. |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: NA |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:60 |
NA | |
Text Books And Reference Books: NA | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading NA | |
Evaluation Pattern CIA 100% | |
MCA681N - INDUSTRY PROJECT (2022 Batch) | |
Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30 |
No of Lecture Hours/Week:16 |
Max Marks:300 |
Credits:12 |
Course Objectives/Course Description |
It is a full time project to be taken up either in the industry or in an R&D organization |
Learning Outcome |
CO1: NA |
Unit-1 |
Teaching Hours:30 |
It is a full time project to be taken up either in the industry or in an R&D organization | |
Text Books And Reference Books: NA | |
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading NA | |
Evaluation Pattern NA |